Colour shifts: Experimenting with Lomochrome Purple

Lomochrome Purple is a psychedelic film stock from Lomography, based on Kodak Aerochrome. The colour shifts are controlled (I use the term loosely) by changing the ISO you shoot it at – set it as a 50 or 100 ISO, and you’ll end up with a redder hue to your greens, or at 400 for a more indigo look.

I shot it at ISO 200, and over two days – one bright and sunny, the other darker and more overcast. It definitely worked out better on the sunny day – it helped there was lots of vegetation around to show off the green = purple colour shift.

It’s difficult to predict what will work and what will be a bit too under-exposed. I might have to try again in proper, bright summer sun. I do like the effect it has on clouds, though…

1 thought on “Colour shifts: Experimenting with Lomochrome Purple

  1. I love the cloud ones! I also love what it does to the wood 🙂

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